Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cape Town - Week 22 - 23

Welcome to the shortest blog ever.

Due to an influx of visitors from the States, a lack of a working computer as my laptop has now failed me twice this month, and of course a chronic and lingering case of laziness, I have been unable to find the time to write up a worthwhile and entertaining blog.

Thus, I leave you with pictures, as they do a far better job of depicting the past few weeks of my life:

Me and my two favorite machines: The Green Monster and The Flying Dog

Aerial shot of Cape Town during my 2nd Gyrocopter ride

More aerial action

Fly Falcore Fly!

Enjoying the party favors from my 1st bachelor party in Cape Town (I think she likes me...)

Parlotones concert at Kirstenbosch (3rd concert in my life... I know.. I blame my parents for raising me to only enjoy tribal music)

The rain-soaked crowd

1 comment:

Mr. Macher said...

Dude the bohemian life is overtaking you! You can't even find the "energy" to type 500 words in a week!! Ditch the dope; clean up your act; go for a jog and pump something fabulous out for next week! The working class of America is counting on you! Entertain us with lies if you must!